You will need your booking ID from your event organiser to complete this registration. WAIVER, RELEASE & INDEMNIFICATION FORM TO: THE PAINTBALL OPERATORS OF HEARTBREAK RIDGE PAINTBALL PTY LTD In consideration of you allowing me to play and take part in the game of paintball I hereby agree for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns; not to make any claim or demand of any kind or institute any proceedings against the paintball operators of HEARTBREAK RIDGE PAINTBALL PTY LTD for any injury, damage of any kind what so ever or death sustained by or occasioned to me in the course of or incidental to played the game of Paintball arising or resulting directly or indirectly from any act, omission, neglect or default on the part of the paintball operators of HEARTBREAK RIDGE PAINTBALL PTY LTD arising or resulting from faulty equipment issued or hired to me by the paintball operators of HEARTBREAK RIDGE PAINTBALL PTY LTD. to indemnify and save harmless the Paintball operators of HEARTBREAK RIDGE PAINTBAll PTY LTD all loss, injury or damage which they or any one of them sustain by reason of: any loss or injury suffered by me in the course of or incidental to playing the game Paintball or resulting from me being on or near the designated playing field area, and / or any loss or injury suffered by any other person whatsoever as a result of my neglect or wilful act of omission; the expressions, the paintball operators of HEARTBREAK RIDGE PAINTBALL PTY LTD shall include the following: the owners and proprietors of HEARTBREAK RIDGE PAINTBALL PTY LTD, any director, officers, agents, servants, licensees and invitees of the Paintball operators of HEARTBREAK RIDGE PAINTBALL PTY LTD. I warrant that I am Fully aware of all risks involved in playing Paintball and that there may be a possibility of injury to me including injury caused to me if the Paintball equipment does not function properly. I nevertheless wish to assume all such risks. I hereby acknowledge that Paintball is a physical game and may become physically strenuous. I hereby warrant that I: am in good physical condition have no disability, impairment or ailment which would prevent me from playing or would be detrimental to my health, safety, comfort or physical condition or the health, safety, comfort or physical condition of the others while playing Paintball or while at or near the playing fields. I undertake to play Paintball only in accordance with the safety instructions, rules and suggestions presented to me by the Paintball operators of HEARTBREAK RIDGE PAINTBALL PTY LTD. I have reached the age of twelve (12) years of age. I agree and undertake at all times to wear and not remove my goggles (protective head gear) whilst on or close to the designate playing field areas. I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Consent(Required) I agree to the above statementREGISTRATION DETAILS Please fill out the following accurately. Player's detailsBooking ID(Required) HiddenPLAY DATE DD dash MM dash YYYY The date the player is playing paintballPLAY DATE(Required) DD/MM/YYYY - The date the player is playing paintballPlayer First Name(Required) Player Last Name(Required) Are you over 18?(Required)Please select…Yes, player is 18 or overNo, player is under 18Player date of birth(Required) DD/MM/YYYYID Type (Please choose)(Required)Drivers LicensePassportStudent CardOtherID Document Number (Eg drivers license number)(Required) Player Suburb(Required) Player Postcode(Required)Player Phone / Mobile(Required) Player Email(Required) HiddenPlayer date of birth DD dash MM dash YYYY Player Signature(Required) HiddenSignatureMax. file size: 2 MB.HiddenDate signed DD dash MM dash YYYY Date signed(Required) DD/MM/YYYYParent/Guardian consent formTo be filled out for 12-17 year old players. Reason: To participate in paintball games at Heartbreak Ridge Paintball / Aussie Paintball. Expected Duration: 3 to 5 hours (subject to battle pack used)HiddenPLAY DATE DD dash MM dash YYYY The date the player is playing paintballPLAY DATE(Required) DD/MM/YYYY - The date the player is playing paintballParental Consent: As Parent/Guardian of:Player Full Name(Required) IMPORTANT: By signing below I acknowledge the following: My Child is over 12 years of age I hereby state that I am making a free and fully informed decision and give my consent for him/her to participate in the paintball games at Heartbreak Ridge Paintball. I hereby indemnify Heartbreak Ridge Paintball and its employees and agents against any future liability for any accident or by incident involving my child during this excursion whatsoever. Parent/Guardian Full Name(Required) Parent/Guardian Phone / Mobile(Required) Parent/Guardian Email(Required) Relationship(Required) Parent/Guardian Signature(Required) HiddenParent/Guardian SignatureMax. file size: 2 MB.HiddenDate signed DD dash MM dash YYYY Date signed(Required) DD/MM/YYYYPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.